Bryce Canyon ...............

A Native American man walks into a hotel in Las Vegas.

The receptionist asks "Do you have a reservation?"

A Native American sex shop opened up nearby so i had to go in and buy a wet dream catcher .........

"Wilbur how long am i suposed to look at this thing for ? "

"Dunno George , i think i done messed my pants tho !!"

Me and my Yellow Submarine . Keeping things low key out here ...........

Whats the difference between Davey Crockett and Jack Daniels ?

Jack Daniels is still killing indians ...........

I woke up this morning with pinkeye........

These Native Americans have funny names eh ?

I went to a Native American village the other day and saw a tree in the middle covered in testicles....... It was a scrotum pole !!

Gentlemen - start your injuns !!!!!

Im firing myself from all jokes.............

This place is incredible

and i love everyone .................

Im probably going to get mega tomahawks in my email box tomorrow ...............