Within 24hrs notice i left for California thanks to the Dog Family out in San Fran.....Best xmas present in ages

I wouldve killed to be working on this photo shoot ..........

I always look at the random luggage carts deserted on runways and wonder who's not getting their clothes tonight...Praying that my suitcase full of white tee's and wallmart socks is tucked away nicely in the aeroplane that im sitting in ....

Cheerio "wicked cold" Boston

This would be a great time to mention i was traveling first class...no stops , all the way to San Francisco....Its really a whole different flying experience even though your only a few feet away from the general riff raff of coach.... This never happens to me . Ever! Im always next to the crying babies and the lady with sars so im going to enjoy ranting about my luxurious time in first class.

Firstly theres no waiting at all. you get to board first and they hang your leathers up for you in a nice closet and just as your arse touches the massive plush leather seats they bring you hot towels and champagne......Its great right from the get go.....Then they let all the peasents and hooligans with swine flu on the plane and they all walk up the isle staring at your comforable surroundings and generally pleasent time . This part is the only bad part of first class .....There should be a curtain that comes down so the lucky 12 up front dont have feel the stares of the 250 other jealous passengers.....(maybe i'll write American Airlines a nice letter about that).........

When the plane is up in the sky and were all officially on our holidays then the real good shite happens ......The Food!!!!! The menu is fantastic. I had a full 5 course dinner with a huge ice cream sunday that was fit for a Scotsman that wrangled his way to the front of the plane.......The whole vibe in first class is different. The other passengers are all friendly . Its like a secret club and everyone in the big armchairs is in it.......

I was handed my own portable DVD player that had a whole heap of movies for long flight. Choosing was hard i was too excited ...so i settled on a mixture of war movies , alien movies and part of Elf.....Even the headphones were big , cushy and cancelled out the annoying coughs , wails and screams from the rows way behind me

Theres no limit to what you can order..endless drinks ..warm cookies (baked on board) and fruit n cheese plates ..........Upon touchdown in California i didnt want to leave my seat.........

I relished every single moment cos the next trip i go on im sure to be in the back of the plane with the rest of the swines

Big thanks to Claire for making this the grandest time

Minutes after my excellent plane adventures we properly touchdowned at San Fransisco's new park.....Its ace

So good to be back in California soil

Los Adventuros begin manyana!!!