Matt Macdonald from Penicuik Scotland.......Its hard to tell in the photo but the laddie is about 7 feet tall.....real high quality geezer right here.......I did many bike missions into the Scottish mountains of Midlothian with Matt......hes got the whole area dialed and took me me on some mental cross country treks...He now lives in La Paz Bolivia , taking people on mountain bike descents on the Worlds Most Dangerous Road.......if your in South America find this manny.....him and the shaman will show you a good time...........

Alex Amato from Washington Dc.........the antics and banter these two had all day was hilarious .....non stop cracking and jokes .....epic times

Alex has some serious ups.............he went off in the stunt zone of the forest

This is the view in every direction for miles and miles....if you packed enough fish n chips you could be out here riding for days and not see another sole....(no pun intended)