Got my Avatar on the other day

I needed my 3D glasses for the IMAX visual effects

I was on the lookout for giant blue naked alien indians with bows n arrows

James Cameron eat yer heart out ........

No blue aliens...but found a couple that live in the forest.....They offered me weed when i said no thanks they said can you take our picture...Seemed like a fair trade.....The woodsman was so proud of his Slayer and Pantera tattoos.....Right now all over America 1000s of couples are living in forests and woods........mental stuff

After the jungles i got back to the city and got all pumped up on some polaroids

Mucho roids

Around the corner from the skateshoppe

On the wheels of steel...................

Sandwich master Don Jaun Demarco serves up the treats............

Go to Ceasar's Sandwich........rad grub a dub