Some years ago a movement was created consisting of Americas most talented disasters. It started as a group of friends plagued with bad luck, bogus hurdles , really crappy cars horrible birds and the worst jobs ever ......but out of it all came the raddest family of bros that stood by each other when things got shite and the blood n guts got neck deep .............

May i present the TFL familia........... Totally Fuckin Laterd

(left to right)

This is Seamus leave a Message......Buckbo aka Chadwick Bill......Manute Too Tall Jones...Nasty Nate...Mortal Wombat.......Hon Bon Jovi ..........Team manager Lenny Kravitz......Manny ......Schmitty Nice.......Eeerod .......Watson

On tour in Providence circa year two thousand and something.......

This is our Tour of Duty photo .............Nam....years later i feel proud to say everyone is succesful except for Lenny Kravitz ...hes totally blowing it........

Night moves 101

(left to right)

Jesse the Body....Bringer of Death........Manute........Buckbo......The Alien......BroDell (note the beer).....Schmitty Nice..........Mortal Wombat

Some of the lads chop trees some fight overseas for america ..others bang nails .......some snap photos....some have their own TV shows some play music ................all are my friends and have made me who iam.....totally fuckin you guys.......