Got an old underwater 35mm film camera over the summer. Heres the test roll over the last few months. The bloody wee camera works !!!

Curtis and Courtland freeze after they spotted a snickers bar floating by in Malibu

Huge waves all day for the crew . Sausage grinding barrels !!

The lads about to be fish food ..............

Manatees are rare up in these waters


Phillip is not this short ...............

Mathew is always this stoked

I think the cartel told Phillip if he dosnt catch this wave theyll kidnap his family

This was the day i went to the beach with giants........... Duffy and Manute . The water is 5 feet deep here.........

Duffy is visiting from London........... Top geezer .......

Duffy makes jewellery . Very talented laddie also does a pretty good whale impression.

Camerawise ~ it works !!