Theres a new gadget on the market.......

I-Phones are old hat ...the new trend is "dead bird in a half shell"........You gotta get one of these the talk of the bar when you pull this wee bugger out .........comes in various colors......

Back in Blackage.......Sid had been after this Overlin custom knee board for over 35 years......He finally scored it today after minor haggling with Pillsy the only owner of this insane board......

Yelena and Oli of the Randall Clan

Anthony and myself cracked up when Caffrey farted right next to us .....Ruining out stoop sesh........

Eminems Dad.......Mark Healey ,Balaram Stack, and Peter Mel from Quicksilver stopped by the shop........

Everydays an opening party at WB.......Alix , Sam and Mexico

Fedora props to Blvd.............Brit and Rocket ...............