More wanderings across the city of angels

Ran into Venicio Del Toro on the strip

My curiosity got the better of me -

"hey man what you doing ?"

Venicio - "Im gettin my dragon tail home "

Perfect answer as he trudged along dragging his palm tree with him.........

Eric I got the Clappton played some scratchy solos while his fair maiden comes up for air in between hits off the pipe..............mega white lip street duo..........

Every single person down here is selling something ...doesnt matter what.......I saw a guy renting himself out to be kicked. Yes for a mighty buck you could punt this young outdoorsman in the arse. genius!! Another geezers pitch was - " Come on down ..i got a racoon the size of a skateboard !!" ...Its a never ending sale pitch on acid ..........

These guys were selling handstands , man pyramids and somersaults........pretty good gig i guess.......better than the old guy selling the tongue whistles that sounded like 5000 sparrows getting slaughtered........

I found Carl Weathers not selling anything ...but being completely awsome ...........

Im not sure whats weirder - Carl's captain america man briefs , full gold arm spartacus braclets , his super bolted together knees or the fact that a sun burnt scotsman is taking a photo of this horendous image......

I turn into a Tokyo tourist when im in the combat zone of gadgies and radgies

Long time friend Wee Ed is everywhere out here.....His stickers were all over the place........and some gangster dressed like a hip hop ice cream sunday tried to sell me the new Eddie Rap Life banger

Ice Cream Man " Yo yo yo i got the dope shit kid ...check check it it "

Me " Nah man ......i like heavy metal "

Ice Cream Man " Aw shit man these guys are metal they kill people on every track !! "

Much laughter and i walked away cos i already own the Cd.......


I wouldnt be surprised if theres a guy selling sunshine somewhere in is nutso