More relaxing in Lucifer's nicest Resort

Met this rad guy and his dog........... he collects leaves and weaves thatching for the roofs here

At the motorcycle repair shop buying some parts for Bananas ................ The mechanics wife and baby were super cool .

Early morning doubles ........ Ive seen 4 butts to nuts on a scooter before .......

These ladies were so proud to show me their coconut shredding machine ............ It was Swiss Family Robinson meets Willy Wonka machines. Smoke and noise and bits flying everywhere as the spluttering contraption chomped through coconuts .

I have no idea what these massive fruits are called but if one fell off a tree onto your head it would be like an anvil in a road runner cartoon splatting on you ...........

A feral kid from Austrailia ............... I may sell him to the monkey king at the temple ................ This kid scared me !!

Everything that breathes in Bali is captured .............. or killed !! or both ..............

Surf repairs by Arief

Roadside gems everywhere

Non stop 24 hour blur of two wheels ....................