Seahawk tours continue.....

Here it is folks .....The very first Soy Latte Shithole in the world ..........

Seattle has the craziest tourist attractions (more on that in a wee bit) . This stop on the tour is a must . The trout slingers rule. These fishermannys yell and sing and holler and throw huge fish and crabs across the room and its become a massive tourist hotspot. Its weird, it'll be all quiet and the crowd will be staring at these guy in their orange wellies waiting for something to happen or the show to start. Then out of the crowd some old hen will shuffle up and order a 4 foot long salmon.........all of a sudden team lobster jump into show modes and start juggling fish and hootin away ..and the crowd snap till their digitals run out of pixels......its mental !! Sometimes fish get hucked 20 feet onto the chopping block ............


A horse named Kurt

We followed scarf lady for a bit

Possible new guitar strap scenario........Manowar status

Seattle remined me of Scotland. . Rain sun grey rain sun wind grey sun rain all in one square mile of the city.........theres even Starbucks in scotland ....bloody hell!!