We need machetes .............

The jungle here looked especially evil .........

Finally we reached the burial site ......... I had no real idea what to expect here. The forest was quiet apart from the sounds of monkeys in the trees above ..........

The path leading to the alters was littered with offerings and unusually large bones ..................

In a tiny clearing underneath a special tree lies the Trunyan ceremony site . This is the only village that lays their dead out wrapped up in their finest clothes. The bodies are left to decay naturally. The reason for this location is the tree the deceased are laid under emits a special odor that sucks away the smell of death.......

The dead lay under the tree in small wicker basket frames with all their favorite belongings. There is always only room for 11 bodies. I cant remember what the 11 signifies..... But thats the rule !!

11 bodies in various stages of decomposion............

The chap on the left was two weeks dead . The jungle hadnt picked him clean yet......... but the animals and insects had started doing their work. As i stood over him in the heat of the day i couldnt smell a thing. Ive been in fancier restuarants that smelt worse than this decaying corpse. The trunyan tree above sucked all the stench away. Its amazing !!

The scariest part is the pile of bodies littering the jungle floor .........

Human remains everywhere mixed with offerings and special belongings

Entire rotting skeletons all around us ..............

This was Apocalypse Now

Alters of skulls all over the jungle ............

Some of the skulls still had hair .............

It took me a little while to come down from this place . Everything about Trunyan is strange . The air is unusual here. The people chew on this beetlenut here and it makes their lips and teeth black. The whole place is really bizarre and sad .......... We took the boat south and i couldnt wait to get out of the valley of death .