London Broil

Future looks epic with hints of awsomes

China town ~ this party is over

Tourists buy the exact same items where ever they go ........ Its amazing !! I bought so many Big Ben keychains my bag broke

Anna is here and we went to say hi to the Queen................. Buckingham Palace ~ Tea and scones for 2 please

Most rediculous job i have ever ever seen in my life ............... But it worked . i was mesmerised and sucked into the tracktor beam of curiousity and wonder . i stared , took a photo , made dumbass comments , turned around walked off , got bummed instantly ......... man is this what being a toursit really feels like ? I want a refund !!

What i really wanted was the horse to escape his awful high profile sentence and trample the toy soldier in the getaway............

Were hitting all the modern wonders of the world today.........

Shopping aint easy man !!

Me and Anna looking for the house that Oliver Twist grew up in ............. its somewhere in Peckham near the Tescos

Big English Fry Ups in Little China

Being a tourist only works if your completely unaware of everything and everyone around you and its absolutely mandatory to make zero effort to adapt to the visiting countrys cultures and ways......... Tried to be good tourists but i think for the first time in my life im overqualified !!

Follow those three guidlines of visiting etiquette and your on your way to a marvelous time abroad ................