I found a stack of old photos from years and years ago.....Inside were heaps of shots of Sid Abruzzi aka The Package aka Ol Crazy Pops aka The Angel of Breath aka Johnny Morocco aka Pope John Package.

El Package.......6am in a hotel room outside L.A.....i think this was 1999 or year 2000.......Package scored an entire mexican outfit from some amigos somewhere in southern California.....you cant see his cobraskin boots in the photo but they were the bee's knees. On our way to a Volcom party loaded to the gills (literally) with tequila and props. i cant remember where he got the fake mustache but it was great

The two funniest men in skateboarding.......Package and Jason Jessee in Long Beach around 2001.

Best boss ever....daily antics at Waterbrothers. In the 12 years i worked at WB there was not one day the same.......Sid, Waterbrothers and the family are the reason i stay in the Americas

Atlantic city 1997 or 98 .....Pro Surfer Matt Archibald (stunt double for Patrick Swayze in Point Break) Package in full wildebeast modes ...Marissa and myself in the Trump plazas.....Archie is by far the craziest gadgie ive met on my travels......hes out of control

California ......... .........Sid in full tilt mode sits in between 2 nuns waiting on a bus........

Nun number 1 - Instantly shuffled away

Nun number 2 - " Hello son where are you from ? "

Package replies " South of Heaven "

Both nuns horrified got up and resituated. I will never forget this as long as i live..... priceless Sid moments

This photo doesn't need a caption...........


Sid is 100% the real deal. Im honored to be his friend..........OWB for life.............