Down in the realm of the Gay Lion

Brought Courtney down to rejects to catch a glimpse of the elusive Gay Lion. He was nowhere to be seen today. No vodka gimlets anywhere in sight. The entire beach was deserted.

The Alcave was unusally quiet too.

While searching high and low for the Lion a humongous boulder fell out of the clouds and almost knocked my Scottish coconut into next year.

Escape from Alcatraz part 2

No sightings of gay wildlife of any kind today , but on the way there we did have a fantastic crash while riding the random tandem at top speed. Like a boeing 747 loaded with jet fuel plumetting out of the sky , Courtney ejected over the handlebars and i was impaled under the bike as we tore through some poor buggers front lawn. Somehow we both managed to escape unharmed and even our lunch of boiled eggs and sandwiches survived the crash scene. Endless laughs on that bicycle. It definately made up for not seeing the infamous Gay Lion prancing on the beach in vintage speedos with his big golden thatched yellow mane.

There is always next time !!