In high school in Scotland my teachers always said "laddie yer heids in the clouds" ...............

It never felt better

The post is dedicated to Shaun who got belted in the face while surfing second beach. 40 stitches later and one of the most insane beach injuries ive seen in a while - This dude is a bloody trooper.

The guy who's fin macheted shaun's face is probably surfing in siberia right now !!

Homer and Homer

I got the random tandem on the road again. Ecuadors and Alejandra took it for a test bomb

This bike rules . Instant laughs and comedy

The driver always gets yelled at by the passenger. No matter who the combo is !!

I started a tomato field on the side of the shop. Stay tuned for Godfather Abbruzzi's own spagetti sauce. I just gotta stop all the tomatos from getting eaten by critters in the night. I swear ill make a sick hat outta any varmint i catch ....... i lost half my crop last week. Setting up mini land mines and snares now !!

On safari again at Doris Dukes house. Were becoming regulars around these parts.

Rough Point staff barbeque was anything but rough.

Huge thanks again to Liz for inviting the WB crew to an endless grazing of some of the best foods and snacks.

The loch ness tape worm slept the entire night this day !!