Saturday night ..............

Top shelf manny Manute got me a phenominal ticket to see Black Sabbath perform tonight at the legendary Hollywood Bowl venue.......

The bowl is a 1920s amphitheater set into the Hollywood Hills. The Beatles performed here in 1964 which resulted in the live album The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl that was released in 1977 and legendary L.A. rock band The Doors recorded their "dream concert" at the Hollywood Bowl on July 5, 1968. This place is absolutely incredible ........ The setting alone gives you goosebumps. As the sun goes down behind the hills and the arena lights come on. Walls of palm trees and thousands and thousands of people tucked into the hillside.

Sabbath came out with all guns blazing. Opening with War Pigs. I teared up 30 seconds into the song. It was mindblowing . These old bastardos still have it .

The lads smashed the Hollywood hills to smithereens tonight. Geezer for president !!! The last time Sabbath performed here was in 1972 .

The guy behind me cried the entire show. In between wiping the tears streaming down his face he'd yell "Sabaaaaaaaaaaaaath" and "Ozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzie" at the top of his lungs. This guy ruled in all the forms of ruleage

The skies erupted and rained down black and purple confetti on the crowd.

Fireworks better than any 4th of July display exploded above the arena............

Apocalypse Now

I thought the tie dye Warpig was gonna have an emotional breakdown. He'd cried for 2 hrs straight and during the fireworks he had no more tears he was just sobbing.

Heavy Metal Pompeii

After the show ran into these top geezers ...............

Sabbath ruled - Thanks for the ticket Manutes !!!!!!