The parade scared all the swallows away ...............

Somewhere up at the start of the parade a horse escaped and trampled a bunch of people. Word of this spread like wildfire down throughout the crowd. I knew this parade was going to be a hit !!

Mexican dresses are so loud they dance by themselves...........

Vincente Fernandez Aai aai aiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!

Fernando The Main Mando rope extraordinaire followed by the Pancho Villa school of Rock Band

This geezer was sizing up my scalp. He knows a good head of Scottish / Italian hairs when he see them .............

The dancing horses are by far the most phenominal thing ive witnessed in a long time. Its like a 1800s vintage wild west version of cholo lowrider cars hopping along the street. Except this is way better. You could tell every horse rider was fighting the urge not to fire a gun in the air. Dancing horses are the number one !!

There was a wee lull in the parade but off in the distance you could feel something epic coming down the street. I got the impression it wasnt part of the official parade schedule. In the distance we could see a massive blur of colors and mental music with horns and trumpets and drums. As the fiesta mob got closer it literally erupted into a full blown carnival on speed. It was pure bananas. People everywhere in the sickest costumes i have ever seen. All dancing like it was 2 am at the last night on earth party.

Comparsa De Chinelos are a kind of traditional costumed dancer which is popular in the Mexican state of Morelos and are basically are the baddest motherfuckers to end all parades..........

The parade went from a 8.5 to 11 in a blink............. Everyone from the streets rushed into the sea of costumes and feathers........ We'd reached zero to midnight in about 1.2 seconds . It was so bloody fantastic !!

Then it ended and everyone went home really sad..........

Almost everyone ............

On a mission............

We got called "mean lookin hombres" by this 70 year old lady holding a winchester rifle. I'd never been more stoked ..........

Giant mariachi guitars are my favorite instrament on this earth.

Swallows Day cant end ................