Got back to Newport for the SuperSuckers concert sponsored by Waterbrothers....It was so bloody freezing outside but the place was packed with every skateboard / surf maniac from the surrounding lands. It was pure bonkersville....Heres a few photies of some epic characters that were there........

Emily showed up with homemade posters of her pal Victoria for the band to sign . She had the flyer painted on her back and was smokin a huge jibber..........bringing arts n crafts to rock shows rules !!

Crowd Controllers T Finny and Warchief

Cocoa Butter Jay and Bato

The Mighty Forehead aka JOD had the sickest middle parting hairdoo all night

Olivia and Kelsey

Tip Top and Murder for Hire ..............Im under instructions not to use the name Pahty Wolf .........I guess hes away right now !!


Katie and her spikes........

The LT and Chrissy aka Eddie Rap Life's sister....Hadnt seen her since the Skater Island days

Alberto's fuckface is perfect ....

Hangin with Mary Jane ......So cold out my eyeballs are frozen shut still.......

I got zero shots of the band all night ...the crowd was thick and rabid as many heads got thrown out for being too awsome ........

After show shreds were above Waterbrothers ........

Olivia and Scrappy Teddy

Scrappy was a huge hit at the party

Shite was off the chains when Ol Dirty Bastardo showed up outta the blue and the birds went wild........

Mental noche .....walked home in the siberian conditions with a huge frozen smile on my mug .........!!!