The Waterbrothers Walk-in Clinic - field trip part two ..........

The Mcdunks or McClunks or McChunks

Skinny Millionaires

I wouldve had more photos of the epic violin player but the rest of the band got in the way.

Lisa Gourley was front row selling cameras.

David Vee Roth was on fire. Bottomless run n cokes. V Man was phenominal - He was an opening act that none of the bands knew about. Note - the $40 bucks he borrowed from Martin Luthor Package for more mixed drinks. Priceless shite !!

The Supersuckers

American Rock n Roll

Eddie Macaroni and the lads

We picked up two hitch hikers wearing Waterbrothers gear on the way back from Providence .........

Driving with the animals rules !!