London Town is getting warm and fuzzy

Somewhere up there all my emails and photos are stored ................ No idea how that works but for now me and the cloud are bros !!

Skies in England are like old oil master paintings ................ I love them

Young football buckaroos in the park near my house

Awsome friend and head of Supreme security - Jaque aka Notorious J.A.Q or Jaquille Oneill ............ Best dude !!

Darius and El Grantly getting stunts on the block

Young and old Soho .................... No idea what lusty lasagna is ??

Anoushka and Sam in the streets

Darius squeezing all the beer out of Sebbers chicken neck ..............

Samson and Ola

In my neighborhood at sundown

I wonder how many fish n chips were eaten in London today ?