Rolling to work............

Dusty bottoms

Tino gets an epic slasher while Chunk gets an epic achilles heeler

Not entirely sure whats going on next door . But this chap was espeically wee !! He was the weest manny i had ever seen. He looked 900 years old too.

Koston stoking out the young bucks ...........

Cyril has one of the hardest vests i have ever seen. His daily gear is untouchable..........

Charles with the Chocolate Santa

Earl Sweatshirt and Nakel on the new back alley ikea set up that no one knows how it got there............

After work skate at Stoner Park

Ice Cream man loves stickers

Best grafitti ive seen in ages .............

Javi Hands

Ran into these two on the Sunset Strip. Meika and Sandra on tour in LA .