And the bands played on ...............

Meet "the Spectacle" , one of the most insane drummers i've witnessed in a long time. This manny was an absolute gama bomb of speeds and powers.

Halo of Ignorance from Providence.

Halfway through the their set some epic punk rock tunnel rat dove underneath the stage carpet and burrowed all the way under. It was bonkers. You could literally see the shape of a body shuffling under the nasty ass band rug........ People were flipping out and cracking up as the band thundered through tunes while Moleman missioned in the darkness

Finally he popped up for air and a beer...........

The rocket chair scientist

The Spectacle , machine gunned the shit out of his drum kit ......... Total annihilations

The headlining slot at 5.9 partys is the hardest job . By 8pm everyone is so rabid and mangled that playing at midnight is like playing a show for hundreds of pickled zombies wearing dickies and vans. But the entire crowd held strong for Natur from NYC. The lads played tight and fast and the show was a ten.........

Tooth beat the pulp out of the skins

A few hours before the gig , Mondo Man Dino the Destroyer was blacked out and zedding in the back of the van...... On stage he wailed on the solos as if he was filled with lightening bolts....

Long hair metal from Brooklyn

The Mexicutioner

Weibust on the mic that im amazed still worked. It went through the meatgrinder from the other 3 bands before

Zorched face............

Huge high fives to Iggy and 5.9 crew for a completely mental time ........