Headed up to Candidasa and onto the small village of Jasri

Jasri is a remote little place up in corner of East Bali

Here lies an amazing Chocolate factory hidden deep in the jungle ............. If Willy Wonka came to visit the Swiss Family Robinson and stayed this is basically the place .......... Tiny unusual huts that looked like witches hats are making the tastiest chocolate ive ever had .......... We drank cups of cold chocolate in the shade ............ It was the oddest combination up here....... Blazering hot , sitting under thick palm trees drinking cool chocolate....

The familys who work at the chocolate factory all live in the forest nearby..........

In the next life pray you dont come back as a Indonesian cow ............... Youd have to have really tough nostrils .............

We heard 3 loud blast from a conch shell being blown and tons of wee dudes on BMXs came darting out from the trees and firing along the dirt paths ........

This place is amazing

David Lee Roth aims at a pretty huge wasps nest up in a tree while Lemmy waits his turn............... Angry bees were everywhere it ruled !!

He was a little late , sweaty and out of breath , but Ozzie joined the fight

Kids learn at a real early age here to shoot anything that moves ................

Although were from different worlds when i was their age i was doing exactly the same thing !! Wheelies , skids and smashing up stuff.......... Damns i havnt changed that much really......i stopped smashing stuff up a while ago now but i still got a mean skid and my wheelies arnt at 12 o clock anymore ........ mostly around 9pm ....... but i still got it !!