Over at Pirate Headquarters..........

Ye intruders beware ..............

Davey Rogers the Human ..........

Big family outing today. The team van is headed south with Big Tim at the helm , Bubbles , Behavey Rogers , me and Ol Crazy Pops............. Driving with the animals listening to The Boneyard at top levels.

Today is a huge day. Skip married his lady Meghan and there was a grand reception party .............

Miss bridesmaid Stephanie and Mrs Skip Rafferty...........

All the way from El Paso Texas , country legend Iggy Talls the First and Mr Crazy Horse

Karen , Bubbles and Big Tim . Our table was an all star cast and as usual we were miles away from the bridal party and all the old folks .........

These two old chums were on fire. Tons of one liners and Dewars.

Tip Top front man -D Rogers

Attleboro gentlemans division Iggy and Tall Rob with the groom

"Hey yo Skip - tell everyone here who taught you the nosepick" - The Full's one liners had the table in stitches........... J.O.D hangs while Scottish Kramer works the room.

Its about 7 hours past Packages bedtime ............

Stay tuned for the worm ..................