Friday after work took the train to San Juan Capistrano for the Skate Locos movie premiere

California surfliner

Rolled up to the production plant aka the parking lot of the San Clemente skatepark. SL Headquarters was in full tilt. DVDs everywhere , mountains of merchandise and the lads were wearing tremendous hangovers !!

Chodie Foster minutes after a baseball went through the window of the front office. Solid start to the day !!

Surfing with AA , Bak Choy , Mattsyles and Miiiidget

Andrew Allen uber rides !!

Skate Locos premiere was fuckin bananas. The cinema was bursting at the seams with young dudekids and fit birds. Video ruled. I teared up during the bagpipes section !!

Mattstyles was so excited to be at his first skate movie premiere he smirnoff iced himself

Cowboy Craig and Mattstyles

Mattstyles has no idea in this photo that hes about to be banned from this bar .......... again !!!!

Thank You Cody Simmons and rest of the Skate Locos familia. You guys are the fuckin bees knees !!!!