Pope John Package aka Oliver Stoned brought out his rare never been viewed before Ted Nugent super 8 film reels from 1976. We went over to Rocco's place to watch the hidden gems.

Package and his mega broken fingers guide the film onto the reel..........while Nod Stewart takes five in the background.......

Apparently its normal for all avid super 8 directors to have miles and miles of film all over the shop.....Priceless antics in the media centre !! It was the first time i've seen Sid be super tech. Vintage tech is the new shite.........

When the reel started rolling we watched in utter silence at the perfect 70's footage before our eyes. Atcually the whole room was in utter silence cos back then cameras had no sound.......

We were all floored . The film was incredible.

Package Spielberg nailed it as we watched Ted Nugent destroy the stage in his full white lycra jumpsuit and racoon tail situations

Its totally odd to watch such mindblowing footage in silence......

Eventually we I-phoned home and brought up some Motor City Madhouse and the film went perfectly to the tune

Theodore Anthony Nugent was born in 1948........Thats bloody ages ago ......So mental !!

Wango Tango


Love Grenade (thats my fave song title)

Cat Scratch Fever

Free For All

Package in his twenties getting arty .....

Dog eat Dog

Nugent suffers from hearing loss. "The ear's not too good, especially with background noise," he said in a 2007 interview. "but that's a small price to pay. Believe me the journey was worth it."

Epic with a capital E

Sid's 70's concert footage blew my mind ........