It's Saturday night all day today .............

Pete Stroke , Midgie and Behavey are saturday night live. Thats young Midgie holding a beer on the blanklet on the wall. I've never fanned out so hard on a blanket before.

The Outlaw Cote Wales showed up from 1969 to skate the bowl at lightening speeds. 2013 means nothing to him ............

Davey Rogers - Party Wolf grinds all night

Definately one of my top favorite skaters to watch. This young burner is non stop. 100% Outlaw Cote Wales

Shroagler walloped his grill doing some stunt and sent his front teeth flying . He had nice front teeth too.

Nikie Mikie sings some old Portuguese blues while everybody else searched for Shroaglers teeth

Nick Lane the Administrator

I think earth is too boring for Nick Lane. He can do anything. Guitar shreds for days

Maybe Nick Lane was sent to Earth to test the rest of us .

These guys need a name for their band. They killed it .

I've been working on a new band called WASTECOAT. So far i have an album title - MOW YOUR OWN LAWN , buts thats as far as i've got.

Shooting film and street skating do not go together.

Jon after a very great Balam set. Then the blue guys came. They were cool and didnt break out their nightsticks and other gadgets for taking down bad guys.

Shimpy was instructed by the rest of the band that his favorite Hendrix t shirt is worn by so many bums and outdoorsmans in Newport.

Portuguese Ozzie dont give a Fuuuuuuh !!

Balam antics in the bowl while the street course filled up with cops.

I left before i became an extra in "Tazed and Confused" ............