Flew out to Milano Italy to see family .................

Flew return for cheaper than a sandwich and a beer ............

First stop jump in the lake .............

This beach used to be no rules anything goes , now its easier to get into America than onto this sand ......... They had Mussolini's daughter running the security here...... You couldnt even pick your nose without her yelling something ......I was worried my shorts were too long for this place .............We watched a dude get kicked off the beach for stretching ..... he was instructed to head off to the gym next door ....... It ruled watching everyone in their budgie smuggling speedos getting yelled at by this old leathery hangbag faced beach nazi. I wanted a photo of her but id have definately got sent to solitary with no spagetti............

Somehow i managed to swim and dive all day without getting yelled at by ol angry hands ...............

Nothing moves during lunch time ........Whole village is inside eating their weight in pasta ............

Italians love Motocross almost more than talking ...............

Every morning i'd walk over to the track and eat breakfast and watch the pre race practice sessions..........

That night my friends brought me to a festival in another village organised by the Church............. They had lap dancers dancing on poles in front of about 700 families....... it was phenominal..... I couldnt really tell what they were throwing out to the crowd....... maybe homemade meatballs ......... I really wanted one but the mob of Italian dads with their kids on their shoulders was way too thick...........

Here a little boy screams for a meatball from the local village whore...............

I absolutely love Italy ................