Marine Avenue

Cant sleep at all. Got up early and rode the Red Lobster down to Shep's Monument.

Early bird Package already caught a couple of waves on the secret weapon in the early morning sun.

The statue has become a shrine overnight and hundreds of people have gathered around it to say goodbye and write some last cool words for Shepper. This family photograph of Shep and his brothers and sisters was taken almost 40 years ago on the same beach. The spot where they are all standing is exactly where the monument stands today. Shepper is the wee sun tanned duder in the middle. Incredible moments......

The tux - The man - The legend

Friends have come from all corners of the lands. Major Tom , Pierce up from Costa Rica , Manute and Rox from Los Angeles

Hermanos de Agua

Its real real good to have Manute and Rox here.

The sun never sets on the Waterbrother empire ...............