The rest of the country looks like Moscow and Siberia right now. Blizzards and snowdrifts.............

It was a trouser day in LA today. Wee bit nippy on the ol getaway sticks !!

Me in not too many years . With my little cart of snacks and my body all pretzeled up !!

Gio and Henry doing some souping !!

Baby Gurl ~ Wall riding the Chocolate Santas truck . COD delivery !!

This chap was having a really really bad day. I hope hes ok now . Wailing in the streets and sobbing made me choke up ........ then take his photo !!

Tino Turner and Imogen

Aussie Ozbornes ....... Sammy Winter

Sharp dressed mens Bobby Digital and Courtland

The four horsemen of the apocalypse ............. Young Kev , Saint Neck , Nakel and Spoety

Backstreet Boys

Its a big world ~ Welcome to it