Headline news - Original TFL member Seamus Deegan gets hitched while other Laterd club members tear up the hors d'oeuvres and the dancefloor

Congrats you guys - Dont overstay your visa on the honeymoon !!

First time in wedding history were all seated up front near the bride and groom. Ususally our squad is situated in way back near the kitchen or the catering truck. Seamus you rule !!

The stars from the blockbuster movie "Broverdrive".

Being in a wedding band must be like being a rock n roll monk. Playing live music loud but not really being allowed to pillage chicks or unleash major , on stage party demons. Its gotta be tough. Anyways these guys were pros. I didnt see one of them spit beer or slip a bridesmaid the tongue

5 Boro's Steve Rodriguez and his young dude tear up the dancefloor

Hot crew - Anthony Shetler and his lady

Hoisington dosn't like a lot of things - Dancing is one of them. Phenominal moves

Wombat and Brandy Rhoads got the fancy footwork down

No idea whats going on at table five. From Rox's expression something awsome is about to happen

The view from the dancefloor around midnight.............

Seamus and Amanda congrats again. You guys looked great.

P.s - Those fish n chips snacks were off the chain delicious