Brunch with my neighbors ...............

There always late . Such a drag !!!

Mr Cartonez was up early today. Best dude !!

Greystone Manor

Vest vectors at the flea

Tin Man at the range testing some new boom sticks

The Barrett 416. Designed to stop armoured vehicles packed with insurgents and other bad guys !! This bad larry was also designed to reshape my shoulder after i fired it ............

Scottish Sniper in cinemas this summer !!!!

Sunday rolls through Hollywood

Undercovers need a bigger budget for their costumes........ Serpico would be bummed !!

Jenna and Zoe stopped by............ Epic antics with these munchkins !!

Styles by Mr Versace ~ Back alley hairdoos

Free POW cuts ............ The war ravaged soldier look is so in for 2015

Today ruled . So many laughs and tremendous piles of one liners !!