Went to check out Plastic Beach.............

A hidden gem in the furthest corner of the city ............... Tucked away from society built on a no mans land ......... the boys have built some freedom

As we waded through the high grass towards the ramp i got the most massive smile on my face at the scene. It was like a warped version of Lord of the Flies...... Dozens of 12 year old running about rabid throwing sticks , boulders and tires ......... Garbage everywhere and old sofas littered the ground ......... and in the middle was the most perfect mini ramp painted in Wimbledon green........ This place ruled !!

I'd been in Scotland 4 days at this point but it wasnt until this second that i actually felt back in Scotland . I'd completely forgotten what pure anarchy a Scottish 12 year is like .......... I felt like i was on a movie set in the 1980s

Scottish Outsiders ~ Stay pale Pony Boy while young Wee Jimmy runs to hotwire the tent filled with speakers

Young skallywags take a breather from burning stuff ............

Absolute freedom out here ...............

This is skateboarding !!!!