The roll down to work .............


New limited edition leather slappers. Colaboration with Nike and Gepetto. Out now !! Only lefts available .............

This old codger opened up pandoras box today. This is the nastiest dumpster on the block. It literally smells like bodies decomposing in a thick sauce of trout and innards.

This geezer must have zero sense of smell or maybe he is from a different breed of hardened chaps and im just a gianormas pussy. Either way when i lift the lid off the salmon coffin my eyes literally stream tears and i have instant sars. Its like getting maced with garbage !! I have no idea what old man river was digging for ....... i gave up waiting !! Maybe he climbed in and made a wee nest in the guts........... Probably a holiday camp compared to The beaches of Normandy in 42.

Sidewalk mechanics

After we all went to hang with SatanDuck

Here he is in all his glory. The meanest duck in all of Echo Pack. We bought so many loafs of bread at the nearby mercado in a quest to win over his heart and charm him into freindship.

Eat the fuckin bread SatanDuck. God hes an evil son of a bitch. All hissin and being a real dick............

Andrew fishes out a getaway vehicle used in a liquor store robbery . We split cos his prints were all over the evidence ...........

Boys of Summer training facility and Cross Fit headquarters in East LA

The Gym is open at noon . Spandex optional. Pets welcome . Group membership deals and we have a on site necktitican !!

I just benched 200 on Pac Man - Whaaaaaaddddup !!