I slept next to the race track in my tiny tent . Just me and all my rolls of film and my World War 2 water canteen i take everywhere.

It ruled !!

I got up with the sun and wandered around the speedway alone for a while . It was amazing to see such a loud place completely quiet and silent. All the psychos were sound asleep still !!

Not for long .........

Joe checking the tire pressure before the races

The evilness and aggression of Petes car when it fires up is staggering. Pure pit bull in attack modes as it hurtles down the line

This is where vehicles and men orbit the earth in a straight line

Back in the pit camp - Joe makes Dez look extra sharp before his next trip past the outer moons of Saturn

100% Mad Max - made in England

Buds ...........

Joe the Barber

The Hillman Minx - All the way from 1954

This is Joe's ride . Cruising the highway in this was epic ......... Bad ass lil hot rod machine !!!