Public Enemies everywhere ........

Katie and Boston's newest Rap Group "Dead Alive"

I had 2 extra tickets to the show and Sammy and his hitman Strong John showed up to The House of Blues within seconds......

One half of this duo is half dead and the other half is an absolute atom bomb waiting to go off........together they make quite a pair !!


************ Photo removed - Too hot for middletown ************


After the show we went on a magical mystery tour of Boston with these maniacs.......

Warehouse demolition crew

Strong John is definately the sickest cat ive ever met in Boston.......

40's , leopard highheels , parental advisory dresses , 2 total nutcases - we got this one !!

Katie and her Africa shoes take a TV break

Epic run in with Dougie Death ........

Katie meet Death

Ran into Wild Bill my tattoo artist i havent seen in years ...... Tried to get him to fire up the gun at 2am.........mega tequilas got in the way...thank christ !!

So good to see this manny!!

What a concert . Huge thanks to Lance for the ticket hookup . Katie for driving .....and a huger sorry to T Burnts for bringing 3 cop cars to his apartment at 4am. But thats another story not fit for internets..........

Public Enemy number one for ages !!