A while back i took a trip up to a little town called Medewi.

Bali is an island of Hinduism but there a few areas that are Muslim religion....... Medewi is one of them. Its very different . Mosques everywhere and no dogs anywhere in sight.

While there i got to witness something that only happens once a year.........

This is where all the vegans should just close their lap tops or just switch square gos off and go criuse tinder ..........

I was brought into the local Mosque where in the courtyard there were about 40 - 50 men standing and waiting around ....... i had no idea what was happening yet .... the building was really clean and everyone seemed casual and relaxed .........the local police and military were also there among the crowd ......... Everyone was staring at me but not in a threatening way. More curiousity. I stood next to everyone and waited in the morning sun....... A few minutes later some villagers brought out 5 cows and 3 or 4 goats i forget . The animals looks beautiful........ and scared. I still had no idea what was going down when all of a sudden it was straight apocylpse now . The head mosque dudes with powerful swings sacrificed the animals with their sawn off machete blades . It was insane . I'd never seen anything like this in my life ........

The crowd erupted immediately and it became a full slaughtering......... One of the main guys saw me and came up to me asking who i was and what i was doing here...... I replied "my name is logan and im here to take photographs " and the really nice sacrifice front man smiled and said "then you shall take photos"............ as soon as he gave me the green light i jumped into the frenzy of villagers demolishing these poor animals.

Within seconds the perfect courtyard was a horror movie scene of biblical proportions........Rivers of blood ran into the drains as the men hacked and chopped away

The stench of the sour grass from the animals stomachs was so overpowering in the heat of the day

I ducked and weaved around shooting inbetween the swinging of machetes and knives ......... Every square inch of the Mosque was a butchering.

The men made quick work of all the animals. Each crew doing a different job....... One group on heads . Another on stomachs .... some younger guys took care of legs and the old old cats took care of the hides ...... It was all happening at lightening speeds. The seering heat of the sun was also doing its work .........

Inbetween rolls of film i'd look down and my white tee shirt was covered in blood n guts and my camera literally had bits of flesh and carnage all over it ..............

I have a front row seat on the butchers rollercoaster and my seat belt is broken .............