Ive been digging in the old shoes boxes this last week and found some real gems from years ago

Bella and Gabrielle

Andrew W.K and Young Weibust.......I remember this concert was in Worcester Mass.......We brought the entire band sandwiches from Sigs our local deli....they were so hyped ........

J.O.D , Jason , Rick Weibust .......Package and me........We hi-jacked a rickshaw to carry Sid home while on tour in Atlantic City......The rickshaw owner was hyped on Package........This trip was bananas.......Jason had humongous hair back then and Ryan Weibusts uncle, Rick was our bossman at Waterbrothers........the first 3 years of being in America was a blur and i was constantly in plaster casts and hemmed up........Every broken bone was well worth it ...........

3 Amigos.........A clean cut ,younger, less stupid me with Bubba aka B Schwag and Christian Fletcher.........shot by Chris Gorman on the Tony Hawk Huck Jam Tour.............No matter if i shave 7 times a day i still have the most awsome dirt lip.......its the first thing i look at in photos......this ones a great vintage example..........