Rose Bowl vintage jumble sale

Sahara desert size area filled with everykind of vintage treats and gear you can think of

Rug manny was there

Millions of nombres

Mexican Mafia just got a shell for their WW2 artillary gun back in East LA.........

This bloke was air guitaring to his ring tones everytime i walked by his stall

I looked for any Beavis and Butthead luck!!

JD baking in the hot Pasadena sun

The sick unibrow gibbon charmer - Frida Muzzie Lipper

Endless amounts of trinketeering

and no shortage of characters........this dodgy geezer's routine was priceless.....

Fishing in the LA river for brown trouts.........I triple dare bear Grylls to survive in Los Angeles with only a box of matches.........

Asphalt tour of California continues............