Heading into the hills to find the Bronson Caves. I'd read about them before. Its a series of caves high up in the Bronson Canyon that have been used for a vast number of famous movies. Army of Darkness , The Three Muskateers , Thrashin , The Scorpian King , The Legend of the Lone Ranger , Star Trek and The A Team were all filmed there ...... But it was the first location the batmobile drove out of in the TV series in the 60s. The OG batcave .........

Rad truck on the way there. I 'd love one of these

David Duchovny checks up on this broken bus

I found the canyon and started up the hills . It was hot as hell and i had zero water or snacks. I literally could see the turkey vultures circling above

I felt like Jesse Ventura in the Predator. I was feeling pretty adventurous at this point ...but that was about to change

Welcome to the jungle

Somehow theres an insane ditch to skate hidden in the jungles....

It looked so damn fun

So far away from all tasty cold drinks

This sign has no idea whats next for me............

I found the caves and also a movie being filmed . I got stopped by a city worker hired to keep people off the set but she was really cool and gave me a little run down of the scene. A crew had been setting up in the caves for days. Theyre filming some movie called Dagger or Daggers (i forget which) but it looked stupido. In the few minutes of talking with the park ranger i saw people dressed up like conan the barbarian and some black ladies that looked like ghengis khan. I guess its some sort of medievel fantasy type flick . Judging from the costumes and the weapons it looked terrible but i wanted to see more . Plus id just biked /hiked miles to see the damn caves....

I thanked the ranger for her time and when her back was turned i sprinted up some tiny animal trail that looked like it weaved up past the cave entrances. It was hard going and the bush was thick and the path was not too wide . It was kinda getting tricky. I was regretting my choice in routes but pressed on when................................

........... i almost stepped on this fuckin landmine. I literally came within less than a foot of touching this with my not so protective bare leg and vans shoe combo. I froze and heard the warning noise....the distinctive rattle ...on one foot i slowly backed off and reversed down the path ....I gotta say i was freaking out and came close to mierdaing in my shorts pretty good. After composing myself down the path aways. I went back up to see where he was. He'd fully stretched out blocking the path but had stopped sounding angry.......I musterd up this shitey photo but my hands were all shakes ......clicked the button and took off like a greyhound at the races....... I came down the mountain with such speed and disarray it almost caused a tiny rock slide. At the bottom my legs were going much faster than the rest of my body and my re entry into the movie production site was loud and created a pretty good sized dust cloud. I didnt even stop....i kept running down the dirt road until i got to my trusty bicycle locked up under some weird looking tree and i sped off not stopping until i was safe at a Starbucks. I actually didnt go to a Starbucks i made that part up but i did stop at this random burger spot where my new mexican grill friend's told me how lucky i was . If bitten im not sure if Red Sonja down on the movie set wouldve been able to save my Scottish life.

Im takin it down a notch now . Curiosity is really gonna do a number on me if i dont tone down the adventurings........

Back in the safe streets of Los Angeles ..sheesh

Blue guys everywhere. I prefer these guys to rattlesnakes anyday........

Side note - Charles Bronson took his name from the canyon i was running around in earlier. I can see why . Place is completely wild as fuck !!

Tomorrow im going to a mall - any mall will do !!