500 shades of Grey

Somewhere up there its summer ..............


People from Denmark are nice and happy ......

Darius mops the floor with Seb - Literally !!!

Extreme commuters are the absolute worst people on the streets of London or any city....... There always around the same age 35 - 45. They always have the most expensive bikes with all the extra nik naks and add ons ........ Everyone looks like a futuristic lesbian from the waterproof section of a patagonia catalogue . But the worst feature is none of them can ride for shit but they are the most arrogant people on the roads ............ i ride to work everyday and 90% of my near collisions are caused by some dentist or accountant on a £6000 carbon fibre tennis raquet with wheels who cannot ride for shit ................ I can see the day soon when i cram a hi visability yellow backpack down some bikers throat ..........

K that my rant over for today......... Watch out for me and my folding bike on the mean streets of London !!

Met a Vespa gang from Belgium ........... They were all smiling cause they survived a full English fry up !!!