Just like a black bear , i woke up ravenous from my 3 month hibernation. I ate everything inside my apartment and did the hundred yard dash to the mexico mart at the end of my street in search of crackers and pot noodles. Sorry for the lack of coverage since christmas time but honestly not a bloody thing exciting happened in Newport since Natur and Pilgrim played here last. Its been brass monkeys outside so ive been keeping my exploring missions to the confines of my 12 foot abode. In simple simon terms - I havent done jack shite in weeks apart from work and tinker on me motorcycle. Now back online , I feel like the solitary radio DJ in the tower , not sure if anyones listening still or even tuned in ...... maybe more like those WW2 Japanese soldiers deserted and disconnected still thinking that the war is going on.......

Anyhows , the war must go on ............

Waist high piles and heaps of rotting animals were killed in the making of this post. The 2012 spending budget for Square Gos is pretty vast now. Theres way more of a margin to kill cool stuff and pin it to a wall......

The Racoon Master - Luke Randall takes another roadkill call from an agent out in the field

Dr Klaus Von Chipper . Phd

For a vegetarian - Casey Weibust eats possums raw

Erin and Ben from The Low Anthem

The Randall studio

Oli gets my vote for most fantastic human under 18 in America. Phenomial young chap.

No more food for Rocket this year please ! .............

Stay tuned ........ next posting will be coming in under 3 months i promise ........