Random mix tape of days

Palm reading all day. Always looking for the perfect coconut tree.

Gypos at the velodrome

Greystone Manor

Its not everyday the guitarist from Priest comes over for a cup o tea.

New super group - Rohan Ocean from Damage Inc - J Dog from Space Vacation and Richie Faulkner from ummm Judas Priest.

Adventures in baby sitting with Nicko. I had my first full solo day shift with the young buckaroo the other day. I didnt feed him at all. I was petrified he was gonna poop so i starved him of his raisin snacks . I've never changed a diaper in my life yet. I dodged the mierda explosion by literally 2 minutes. Yeeeeeeehah !!

His outfit combos are through the roof. Italian hot pants and cowboy boots. Ruling. He's gonna hate me in 13 years for this photo.

Bring your daughter to the slaughter. Scott solos his mega baby to sleep. The mini flying V is smaller than his kid.

Go to sleep or Eddie will chop off your head.

Overcast day in Hollywood .

Steve Lee ..... Not the son of Bruce but just as epic.