Today wont end keeps going . Ive been hungover 2x today already. and its 8pm Im a total wuss at day lits

Olivia bowling balls Blizzle's new upside down head...........

Slim Jim on el bateria

Brujeria homies in the house

Olivia is a one woman party riot. She opened up for the bands with heaps of flair and used about every prop the Pelham had to offer

The Pelham always has a wide array of Choadie Fosters that walk in the door. Many tool bags to use as party props

Jerk Johnson got abused. It ruled. This geezer was a full on bud the chud

The show goes female Wayne's World

My favorite pic of the day - Topper Charlie , Brandy Rhoads and Chef Bernier. No food and 1000's of beers = Yesssssss

At last call Chef Jay got blacked out and braided

My new camera has a killer "blacked out" button . It senses when a manny is out for the counts and keeps clicking away capturing the awsomes deep into the noche.

I dont remember this at all. Full on digi auto pilot while Jay's locks get massacred.


Work in 4hrs - good times tomorrow in the fields of dreams.