On the calenders it says summer is over..........

Its always summer on my street ...........

Just scored this mean machine the other day. Best thing to happen to my neighborhood in ages. It sounds like 20 leaf blowers coming down the street, its awsome. My street turned into Mexico City when i brought this epic wee bastardo home. Kids came out of the woodwork like little velociraptors jockying for a turn on the new community chopper........

First run - Fork nut blew off spraying my entire upper body and face with oil..... I had it all over my teeth cos i was smiling like a bloody cheshire cat the whole time. I looked like a right muppet tearing down the street.

Second run - Back (and only brake) exploded leaving no choice but to Barney Rubble the bike with my feet as stoppers. Managed to burn completely through the soles of my shoes. I still have marks on my feet from the fantastically smooth surface of my street.

Third lap in little Rio - The chain came off with minimal effects . Just sucked

All in all im claiming this a total success. I rode home with a flash light in my mouth - happiest kid on the block !!

Huge thanks to Tom for the early bonus !!

World famous singer songwriter Jerk Johnson came by Waterbrothers to promote his newest album "I'd rather be golfing".

New storms crept up the coast bringing science fiction style waves to Newport. The ocean was humongous for days and the scene down at Ruggles Beach was hilarious. Ian Walsh rode the giant surf like he was skating a curb. Insane airs and stunts on waves way bigger than my house. The crew at the end of the road was all state. Massive peanut gallery hooting and hollering the entire time.

No Hubble telescpoe lens for me but you get the idea out there..... shite was el grande !!

Golden shovel board of directors - Hi i'm Charles and Johnny Jamestown the most wanted man on the island............

The crowd on the wall went into over drive as the waves battered surfers into the rocks........

It was sheer tortures for any girl jogging along the cliff walk. When they approached the half naked mob of nut jobs and pyschos you could see the horror and regret of the route they'd picked. Endless laughs and wolf whistles. Even the meter maid didnt come down to the end to ticket cars. The trash can looked like a budweiser jenga tower with 5 million drunks bees swarming all over it. Some one said the bees at Ruggles are the drunkest bees in the world......

Pretty much for 50 square feet of ground there were no rules and it was like a different country. Almost like that section between USA and Mexico... the no mans lands before Tijuana. Full banterland........

One flew over the Coopers nest and Swanson Swayzak. Swanson had the most incredible story of getting marrooned on a tiny island while surfing hurricane Irene. He got lost in the fog and paddled to what he though was land. He ended up on some shitty island like Robinson Cruso. He said the weather was insane and he found a tarp to hide under. Minutes later a total stranger also disorientated by the fog had paddled onto Swansonland. We'll call this guy Man Friday . Swanson and his new island buddy prepared to hunkerdown for a long night with the seagulls. A few hours later the fog lifted and they could see the flashing lights of the police and fire dudes on land........ without grabbing a gull or a few clams for dinner , they both dove into the waters and paddled to safety...........

If you see Swanson ask him to tell you the story - the live performance is oscar worthy......... Full on Tarpe diem

Captain Haddock at the helm

Every kind of weather crammed into one day..........

I learned about a new drink today. It's called liquid violence. I forget whats in it but the after effect storys were mindblowing ....More on that coming up !!