Flew to Oslo Norway .................

I took the worst photos and my only excuse was it was negative ten degrees outside ................

Norway absolutely rules .......... Even though my teeth froze and my testicles disapeared for 4 days. This car was the size of most American suitcases in fact i think ive seen people eat steaks bigger than this thing !!

My epic hosts for the trip ~ Heidi , Roxy and Fredrik ...........

Saw Fjord Fjordinstein wandering around the station....... I wanted to huddle around his cigarette for some heat.... but he wasnt havin it !!!!

Little Norweigian elflings waiting on their longship ariving

Norse code ~ Evan Bjornson , Alex Bjornagain and Fredrik Bjorndino

This is where all the frozen pizzas that Norway devours each day are grown. I think Trolls make em in giant ovens deep in the forest................

Only time in my adult life i wanted to pee my pants just to keep warm !!!!!