More antics in memory lane.............these photos are from 1997 and 98

Original Waterbrother Team outside the shop that was next to Jimmies Saloon

(left to right) Brewsters Millions (Aliens older brother) Jake the Jerk......The Buzzard....Mike Wilson....Beanless.......and Talking Heads (Matty Aull)

On the Trike is Dustin Death........These were the young bucks throwing themselves down stairs and rails...........All 100% WB for life

Also down for life is Namen Choice...........Nightwatchman and Security......Ol gravy fingers was like Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption....the guy that could get you anything you needed....his specialty was soul mix tapes and endless copies of the movie Roots.......

Beverly........Scotlands hottest export..........

The Guy Mariano........Guatamala's most epic friend for years would blow minds with his choice in T shirts.......he couldnt read or write in spanish or english but man could he pick a fantastic tee......

While on safari in Florida when i was a young manny...we landed ourselves a Bull shark......Sold most of it to the Japanese restaurants and the surf ghetto kept the rest and we ate like sultans for days.......and i never went swimming down there ever again........

In Los Angeles with Ronald Jeremy

Conversation went as follows -

Ron - Hey man where you from anyways?

Me - Edinburgh Scotland !!!!

Ron - Looks up and stares off into far away lands of his memory.........then says " hhhhhmmm yeah i banged some broads from scotland......what do guys call em ? gingers?

Both dying laughing ..........good times in California talking about birds in scotland wi ginger pubes......hahaha


Aaaaaaaaaaah memories !!!!!!!!