Billy Goods exploded the other night......... Heavy roster of bands and characters crammed into the tiny pub in downtown Newport.

Nicklane has joined the ranks of the one word names..... living legend status !! He brought his entire bedroom to the club ......ruling !!

Nicklane is the Dr Octogon of metal.

His show was bananas. He sang into curly straws while menacing sound effects and wind boomed out of the speakers. He had custom gear stands from his own designs and heaps of gizmos and turny things. It was like watching Eggman super blazed running daft in his kitchen making up the crazy dishes..... I loved the volume noise over the PA from his lap top...... bloop bloop bloop bloop ...........

Nicklane is from the future and is here to stay !!!

The mighty John Rossi with Pilgrim ...... "Hello we are Pilgrim from Rhode Island" - best intro

Rossi reminds me of an executioner from medievel england or one of those sick bastardos from the spanish inquisiton........... Epic manny right here !!

Hessian from Portland Maine.

Blistering set

Angus belts it out

Its hard to tell but Billy Goods is stuffed to the gills with peoples. Buds came from all over. Grand reunions .........

Schmitty Nice , Sleeping SlaughterBuckets and Mantone the Riff Merchant .............. Pure champions !!

Natur headlined and basically chopped the heads off the entire front row

The father of Tooth - GaryTooth sent me over the budweiser cliff so the photos get more mierda from here on in ..........

Mondo Man napalmed the crowd with his locks and his plucking

All hair satan !!!

So many fingers ........... all noodling furiously!!!

I didnt manage to get to the other side of the stage . It was too thick with bros and fit birds but i want to dedicate this post to Henry who filled the Mexicutioner's bass shoes for this gig and he nailed it .......

Sorry i didnt get photos .... blame Gary and the truckloads of beers .......

Last words from Eggatar

What a show..... after the metal shindig ended there was a gangster showdown outside the club. There was tons of long drawn out gangster jibber jabber and shirts coming off and a whole ton of shadow boxing hopping around . Then a brick flew out of an alley nailing the biggest rapstar in the face. That pretty much ended the show and the blue guys showed up in force. The end !!