Its saturday and im off work. Silky play from the younger center forward on that one !!

Men in black suits contemplate the surfing war zone known as beach Number Two........

I got very special guests on the show this weekend. The Dogpound family are all here from San Francisco. Nicko and ClaireDog soak up some beach time without a mahogany naked Castro local anywhere in sight.

Bros !! JayDog and Tattie (pronounced Taah-Aay). Tattie gave us the royal tour of his woodland moors i now call New Scotland.

His laddies rule - Couper and Angus.

His third stuntman is Harvey Bean. This guy is absolutely fearless. Non stop antics.

Dogpound crew and Nicko's amazing tiger moonboots

Took the Thompsons a while to wrangle their crew for a quick family photie. Couper's missing in this one , i did watch him take the meanest slam trying to reverse a tractor down the steepest hill in the village. It was incredible.

Managed to nail the gang for a millisecond snap before the youths ran wild ...............

New Scotland rules. The neighborhood is like Lord of the Flies. The kids run the streets on every kind of wheels you can imagine and at dinner time its a ghost town.