Peck Nam , South London

This street has tons of rastas on rollerblades. Dont ask me how or why. Just the way things are over here in Peckham

Some random English getaway sticks ............

The Infamous Tower of London aka the White Tower . Built by William the Conquerer in 1078. The castle was used as a Prison from 1100 until 1952. ( thats the year not 11am to 7.52 pm ) It was home of the priceless Crown Jewels and also housed top gangsters Guy Fawkes , Hitlers right hand man Rudolf Hess and The Kray twins for a short period of time . This place was a one stop shop headquarters for all your medievil torture needs ..............

In 1251 King Henry III kept a polar bear here and Londoners would gather to watch it fish in the river Thames and later the heavily fortified gate tower held 3 lions in a pit near the moat............. but they were relocated cos a soldier got bit ............ I couldnt even make this stuff up.......... The wikipedia on the Tower of london is like reading a Monty Python script .............. Pure Gold !!!!

Samson on his way to watch a polar bear go fish in the river Thames

Hell bent for carpentry ................ This dynamic duo rule

Michael and Seb the Polish Mountain .............................. and Miles the only operative who works at MI5 that listens to Slayer

Peckham house crew is so top notch ..........